
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Favorite Holiday Movie

December 2nd- Favorite Holiday Movie

My top choices...


Home Alone

Muppet Christmas Carol

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Love Actually

Today's workout

I ran 2 rainy miles. My intentions were to run further but I was not having fun in the chilly rain and wind.

I kept true to my holiday challenge and did 60 squats, 20 second planks, and 15 (on my knees) push-ups, once I got back to my cozy condo. I also did some Runner's World Yoga on a Roll with my foam roller. Have you ever tried foam rolling yoga? It's pretty interesting and really effective.

I was really happy with my decision to ditch my rainy run and do some yoga. My former tight hamstrings and quads are thanking me.

Hope you had a great Tuesday! xoxo


  1. I started my Holiday Challenge from you! I doubled up, so I'm all caught up :D <3

  2. I'm liking this holiday challenge. Also, totally forgot about Love Actually. May need to pop the movie in today :)
