Yesterday, was anything but restful (hence the late post). However, it was still a great day.
Work time with Bae. It was a bit a chilly in the morning and we got to wear our sweaters. This is kind of a big deal when you live in SoCal.
My workout for the day was a spin class at The Rush. It was a T.I. /Kanye West theme ride. So dope.
After the class, I continued keeping my heart rate up by battling the crowds at Whole Foods and Vons for our Thanksgiving meal. This is the first year I'm cooking the turkey and I'm one stressed out little chef.
I finished up the day babysitting little Evelyn with my boyfriend. At least somebody got some rest.
Hope your day was much more restful and relaxing than mine.
See you soon!
Um, that's my new fave pic of us. How cute are we?! :) xo