Gearing up to run 31 point whatever miles next weekend!
Race course maps always freak me out a bit. This will be the longest distance I have ever ran straight and my first real trail race. I am nervous! Pretty big difference from the Bank of America Chicago Marathon I ran last weekend. Just look at that monster hill a little after mile 13....
At first I wasn't even sure if running an ultra marathon was a great idea for my body so close to finishing a marathon. After speaking with my coach, I told myself I would listen to my legs and if I didn't feel 100% healthy I would pull out. Fortunately, I feel great! I've had a few easy post marathon runs and think next weekend's run really will happen.
Let's compare some major differences between the Bank of America Chicago Marathon and the Lake Hodges 50k....
1. Hills!... DUH, Kate! Well yes, there will be hills, but ultra marathoners have a different take on hills than most marathoners. Most ultra runners will quickly walk/hike most hills in order to conserve energy. I already have it in my race plan to be walking/hiking those monsters.
2. Trails vs. Roads... ok, another no brainer. I'm actually excited to be back out on trails. My body doesn't hurt the same way on trails as it does on road after long runs. I don't get as stiff and sore. I'm really hoping this 50k won't hurt.. at least not as bad as marathons. :)
3. Aid Stations. Ultra trail marathons have really spaced out aid stations when compared to road races. Most of these aid stations are about 4-8 miles apart. I felt like every mile there was an aid station at Chicago. Lake Hodges will have pretzels, potato chips, and bananas, in addition to the usual water and sports drink. I think mentally this will help me break up the race. I'm going to tell myself to take it one aid station at a time.
4. Nutrition. I met with my nutritionist before each race. I will be introducing protein into this run. I have always just taken Gus during marathons. My new plan includes pieces of protein bars at the top of each hour.
5. I'm running just to finish. Yup, I have no time goal other than to finish within the cut off of 8.5 hours. It feels freeing to only concentrate on finishing and not PRing! :)
This is one of the many views I will be enjoying next weekend...
Till next time :)
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